Sunday, June 5, 2011

new job!

SO I suck at keeping up with a blog or anything like it but oh well. idc. =)

I started a new job at Bertuccis this past week... I finished my training on Friday and I took the last two tests today before I was given few tables. I did really well for my first shift at a new job. I didn't have any really serious orders to take or anything like that, and I didn't seem to mess anything up either! Two of my friends came in for dinner and requested to sit in my section. =) That was really a confidence booster! hehe. I think thier order was the most difficult too, which it had every right to be since they were quizzing me beforehand haha. I kept up with the orders and bringing out the food and properly delivering the soups and salads etc. I basically am just always going to ask if they would like salad or soup on the side of their meals cause pretty much, at lunch it comes with salads anyways, and the sandwhichs come with soup. and then at dinner there are a few entrees that come with soup or salad, so if I ask for everything, I either cover the included side order, or I upsell and make more money hehe.

There's this one girl so far that is the bitch apparently. I shouldn't say apparently anymore since I experienced it first hand butttt yeah. I was told by one gabber who was like, "hmmm how should I say this nicely? I don't want to be rude to you". I forced her to just tell me and she just said that this one girl seems to be a bitch to new people slash everyone and she often signs off on side work and stuff, so just make sure that I know what I'm doing. Thankfully she wasn't the person in charge tonight, buttt... all night I had been filling up the ice bin for drinks since it kept running out, and it's not like I saw anyone else do it... that's just who I am. Anywho... it was 8pm and I put one more thing of ice in because there was legitamately maybe 4 ice cubes and so I put only one bucket in which doesn't even fill it one fourth, and I go to ring in an order and she gives me the biggest attitude saying not to fill the ice because thats her job and im just making it harder on her at the end of the night... woopdie fuckin do. stfu. you'reuglykthanksbye.

my feet hurt but I took some ibuprofin and a beer haha. now im on farmville. mwhahah.

wendy left for PR this morning...its weird not having her around. it hasn't really set in yet. She is supposed to call me back.... its almost midnight. I dont know when she is planning on calling me but whatevss.

tomorrow I just have to work at 6 till close at the pool, tuesday I have off, wednesday I'm workingg 2 to close, thursday im working with ryan at 615, then bsc 10 to 1120, then berts 1130 to 3 then bsc 3 to 6..... thank GOD I'm working right next to everything!! I think after ryan Im going to go and sleep a little. perhaps I'll go to wendys and sleep so I wont be late and have to drive through so much traffic!

so yes, busy busy. I'm going to try and keep up with this since its not like I have anyone to vent to or anything... I really hate being by myself. =(
I Miss britt like its my job. I try and stay strong and not bother her and pour my heart out because i feel pathetic, but she says she doesn't mind, but I don't know if that's just pushing her away blahhhhhhh.

farmville time...

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